Nova Buses For Sale

Used Nova Bus For Sale?? --> Sell Nova Buses Here!

Whether you are in the market for a new Nova bus or a used Nova bus you can be sure to find a service at your fingertips to get the job done. Below you can find the first 100 Nova bus for sale ads listed in our system, sign up and contact the seller of any of the following new or used Nova buses. It's Free!

2000 nova T60206, T70206, T602
Selling 20+ buses for the Macon Transit Authority Bidding Ends June 8th at 12 Noon. Go to for more details and to bid 97 & 99 Nova T60206 (8) 99 Nova T70206 (4) 00 Nova T602VN (2) 02 Nova 62VN (4) Most Nova’s with Detroit Series 50 Engines and 590ZF or 592ZF Trans. 73 & 74 GM 4523A (2) Paratransit Including: 97, 00 & 04 Ford E-350 (3) 05 Ford E-450 (1) L.W. Benton Company, Inc. 107 Oak Valley Drive Macon, GA 31217 478-744-0027
User: lwbenton
Views: 5028
1997 Nova 41 seater
1997 TC Model 41-P - Mileage 455650 - VIN # 2NVYT82NXT3000314
User: Lou
Views: 2699
530 Buses Available NOVA LFS Bus Low Floor Year 1995-1997-1998-1999-2001 Cummins ISC Engines 250 HP
User: oebin
Views: 14870
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