Looking for running bus or rv with owner financing option. Terms and payments are negotiable, but looking for either bus shell, or passenger. Prefer Eagles, mci, prevosts for bus, rvs not as strict, but atleast 32' long. My price range is from $5,000-$15,000. Needs to be mechanically sound (able to travel as is), I don't mind older model busses or rvs, but for rv's, has to have, atleast, semi-working interior mechanics. Would prefer a diesel pusher, but all reasonable ideas/offers will be considered. Little about me. This is not just for traveling, this unit would be a conversion for a proven business venture. With nearly forty years of experience in my industry, I have done just about everything possible within it. This is something that I KNOW works because I've personally done it before, and I NEED to get back to doing it. As stated before, payments are negotiable. I am more than willing to work with you, if you'll work with me. Thanks for looking, and hope to hear from some. Tattoo Mike

Contact: TattooMike || * Posted On: May 09th, 2009
Location: NM
Email Address: Must be logged in

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