Used 1995 ElDorado Escort RE-A small coach Bus Sale Ad

ElDorado Escort RE-A images

1995 Escort RE-A Bus For Sale

95 Eldorado National 37

General Description On This 1995 ElDorado Escort RE-A
THIS BUS IS SOLD! I can't seem to delete this ad! 1995 Eldorado 37' bus. 39 passengers, video monitors, large rear luggage compartment, A/C, chrome wheel covers. Sharp coach! A clean 37' small coach with many of the same features of the larger coaches, such as Allison AT545 4 speed automatic transmission, 4 point Air ride suspension, air (disc) brakes, air operated entry door, 8-D battery. Cummins B5.9-230 turbo diesel engine (the 5.9 L Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel motor) with a 100 gallon fuel tank. The blue book value of this unit is ~$30K. THE MOTOR NEEDS TO BE OVERHAULED AND THIS UNIT IS NOT RUNNING. We estimate that it would take ~$5-10K to replace the engine. You would have a very nice small coach for around half the blue book value. $3500.00 OBO, Cash, As-Is, Where-Is. We are a bus dealer located 15 minutes from Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, Missouri. 314-413-4334
Interior Description About A 1995 ElDorado Escort RE-A
Clean interior, with comfortable 39 passenger seating that is in great shape. Overhead luggage racks with passenger assist bars and video/stereo system.
Exterior Description For This 1995 ElDorado Escort RE-A
We Apologize but our system did not find any exterior information specifically specified by the seller of this bus. Please send the seller a message if you would like additional details regarding this item.
Features Information For A 1995 ElDorado Escort RE-A
We Apologize but our system did not find any features specified by the seller of this bus. Please send the seller a message if you would like additional details regarding this item.
1995 Escort RE-A ElDorado small coach Specifications
We Apologize but our system did not find any specifications from the seller of this bus. Please send the seller a message if you would like additional details regarding this item.
Posted By :turbodood
Views: 16515

Posted on: Apr 16th, 2009
Location: St. Louis Missouri 63045
Email Address: You Must Log In To Conact Bus Sellers
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