Used 1947 Flxible 35+ feet, gasoline c Rusty Bus Sale Ad

Flxible 35+ feet, gasoline c images

1947 35+ feet, gasoline c Bus For Sale

1947 Flxible 427 pusher gasoline bus!

General Description On This 1947 Flxible 35+ feet, gasoline c
This is a 1947 Flxible that was used for years to go to daytona for bike week. It has been stored for 5 years due to my uncle being injured. The bus was converted from a diesel, with a gm 427 crate motor and a 400 turbo trans. Bus needs a tune up, and tires are getting old, otherwise mechanically sound. Body and interior are in need of a gut job. Great project for tailgating or camping or cruising. This was a head-turner in its day, needs some tlc.
Interior Description About A 1947 Flxible 35+ feet, gasoline c
Cabinents in decent shape, toilet goot, lots of original chrome, tons of space.
Exterior Description For This 1947 Flxible 35+ feet, gasoline c
Rusty, needs work.
Features Information For A 1947 Flxible 35+ feet, gasoline c
427 crate motor, gasoline, pusher design.
1947 35+ feet, gasoline c Flxible Rusty Specifications
We Apologize but our system did not find any specifications from the seller of this bus. Please send the seller a message if you would like additional details regarding this item.
See More Flxible Buses
Posted By :buzzlenox
Views: 17767

Posted on: Oct 10th, 2010
Location: Mt. Clemens, MI
Email Address: You Must Log In To Conact Bus Sellers
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